The United Nations (UN) describes the Sustainable Development Goals as “the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all.” Sharing this common understanding, we align our efforts to contribute to the achievement of these goals.
The coffee sector as a whole is a force for good, creating a positive impact for people, the economy, and the planet. Farmers are also committed at an individual level to ensure that their work adds up to guarantee a sustainable future for everyone involved.
Behind every cup of coffee, there is a Guatemalan family!
- There are over 125,000 coffee farmers make a living from this crop.
- Coffee is the agricultural product that has the highest employment rate, creating over half a million jobs every year.
- Funcafé is a non-profit that represents the channels the sector's social efforts. Since 1994, it has supported thousands of people in coffee communities through projects focused on food security, health, and education. Learn more about Funcafé.

- Coffee is the second most important product in agricultural exports.
- It is grown in 204 out of 340 municipalities of the country.
- Guatemala represents 3% of the world coffee exports.
- During the past crop, US$693 million were injected into Guatemala's economy thanks to coffee exports.
Main agricultural exports
- 98% of Guatemalan coffee is grown under shade.
- Shaded coffee protects watersheds, reduce soil erosion, and recycles nutrients.
- There are 305 thousand hectares of land dedicated to coffee production in the country, turning them into agroforestry systems that help to boost the forest coverage.
- Coffee forests represent 7% of the national forest cover. Located on steep mountain ranges in the primary water recharge areas, they help safeguard the country's vulnerable ecological health.